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  • Cicero Advertising S.A. 品牌推广

    编辑人:深圳市顶点企业形象策划有限公司 发布时间:2018-12-02

     客户:在2016乔治亚当蒂斯和Evangelos Tsaras合力和专长,以创建一个新的广告和营销机构。新成立的Cicero团队与国内外最大规模的客户合作。
    嗯,我们采用了一个严格的调色板,白色和灰色是表面上的主要颜色,黑色是唯一的颜色,用于排版和黄金的Cicero mark。法律公司的感觉几乎总是赢家,如果你玩正确的牌。我们选择了用灰色和白色纸层叠的卡片,我们用金黄色来强调机构的工作质量,所有固定的应用程序都是由臭名昭著的哲学家/律师的单独引用完成的。

    Who: In 2016 George Adamantides and Evangelos Tsaras joined forces and expertise, in order to create a new advertising and marketing agency. Though newly-established, the Cicero team works with both domestic and universal clients of the biggest scale.

    What: "The name of the agency is Cicero, so think of it as we are some kind of creative attorneys for our clients. We'd like to have some kind of distinctive law firm look, in order to highlight Cicero's primary profession. We need this identity to breathe confidence and quality."

    Well: We deployed a strict color palette with white and gray being the dominant colors on the surfaces, black as the only color being used in typography and gold for the Cicero mark. The law firm feeling is almost always a winner, if you play your cards right. We chose cards laminated with gray and white papers, we used gold color to highlight the quality of the agency's work and all stationary applications were completed with a separate quote from the infamous philosopher/lawyer.