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  • 顶点动态
  • 行业资讯
  • Madrid Te Abraza 品牌推广, 插图, 图形设计

    编辑人:深圳市顶点企业形象策划有限公司 发布时间:2018-11-06


    A city which embraces its traditions and values as well as its citizens and visitors. A visual system which communicates with a fresh and exciting tone to outsiders as much as it does to all those who consider themselves locals.
    The use of images over a plain background allows us to isolate and strengthen the concept. The neutral typographic system places all focus on the attributes to be communicated. The reduced colour palette unifies the diversity of the messages. The sum of these elements creates a visual universe which is fresh, contemporary, diverse, adaptable, long-lasting, and moldable with time.